Monday, October 22, 2007

Croptoberfest 2007 is now history! I was very excited about everyone who turned was especially fun having two "Faith Sisters" there! Everyone seemed to have a great time scrapbooking, and I think they may even start coming to my monthly free crops! (at least the ones who live in the area...I don't expect the two who came from Centralia and Belfair to come! LOL).
TODAY WAS A BEAUTIFUL SUNNY DAY IN THE PNW! I loved the day. I went for a walk...not with my dad because he went without me :( But, I did walk to Walgreens to pick up my Croptoberfest pictures. It was a two mile walk. I even got hot! (no, it wasn't due to hot flashes!)

I am praying for my friends in SoCal with all those fires. It's hard to grasp how bad it is. I hope the Santa Ana winds end soon, and the fires can be contained soon.

Oh! Because of the beautiful day, I was actually able to plant the last 3 plants I needed to plant...woohoo! Now, if they will just not die!

1 comment:

Michelle McVaney said...

you have been tagged! Visit my blog for the details:)

Faith Sisters