Saturday, September 24, 2005

This week has been a big week in my life...I started my new job on Tuesday. I am the Music teacher, and I teach Music to JK-6th graders. My first day was a challenge in that, of all rained! And it was picture day. So, instead of having Music in the chapel where it was supposed to be, they had to use the chapel for taking pictures. So, instead of the students coming to me, I had to go to each classroom! It was nice for the first day, but I'm glad I don't have to do that everyday!

On Wednesday...BIG DAY...Todd moved to DC! I took him and his friend to the airport with 3 suitcases and 2 carry-ons...basically all his possessions...well almost. There's still a lot of stuff in his room. I didn't cry...but I came close. It was a surreal experience. I still can't believe he's actually gone! He is staying with some friends until he can get into his "house" with 3 roommates. I hope that works out. They are complete strangers...and as a mom...of course I worry! But, there it is

I was supposed to have Library on Wednesday, but since I had already scheduled to take Todd to the airport on that day, I was allowed to have Library on Thursday. Wow! What a chaotic mess the Library is! The books are not in order...there was some order to them, but a lot of them were out of order. They are going to get volunteer parents to come in and help me organize the Library...hooray! Library was an interesting experience. It was hard letting them check out books...not all the books had cards in them! So, I either told them they couldn't check it out, or if I had time...I made a card for it.

On Friday, I was supposed to go to an interview in downtown LA, but Erin needed me to sub for her because she was sick. So, I called and left a message to that company that I wouldn't be able to come to the interview. I also told them I didn't think I would be able to take the job unless I could work only on M-Th-F. I haven't heard back from them, so I guess not! But, this subbing job was an answer to prayer, because I really didn't know what I should do about this job situation. I didn't really want it, but I felt that maybe I should take it if since we need the money. But, I'm TRUSTING that I will get enough subbing jobs to survive.

Today is Saturday, and I spent the afternoon and evening cleaning out Todd's room...since he didn't seem to get everything cleaned out of there.

So, my week was full of new experiences, and answers to prayer, and sadness of sending my youngest to DC.

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