Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well, here it is Thursday, and I have not had any subbing jobs this week. I won't sub tomorrow either, because it is Veteran's Day. I don't know what else I should do. I wish I knew, but the only thing I can do is TRUST...that is my theme for this year. I hope I learn this lesson well, because it's killing me through the process! Not literally, but I feel like I'm just "hanging on".

I had a good Bible Study with my friend, Dodie on Tuesday night, and I need to remember to find God in EVERYTHING! That was our assignment this week. She and I have started meeting together on Tuesdays, and we're using a devotional Bible Study book called Simple Devotions by Judy Brower, our former pastor's wife. Dodie didn't think she was going to get much out of it, but the discussion that it generated was very good, and she had a change of heart by the end of our study. I'm looking forward to each Tuesday!

I did make Monday and today beneficial though...I went for a walk! I try to do that every day I don't work...unless it's raining, or we're getting windows installed in our house (two reasons I didn't walk for 2 weeks). I thought it might rain today, but it didn't. It was cold though...ok...not real cold, but the coldest day I've walked so far. Now, if I could just cut the calories and lose some of that weight I've gained back after losing 22 lbs 2 years ago!

That's all for now...

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