Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well, here it is Thursday, and I have not had any subbing jobs this week. I won't sub tomorrow either, because it is Veteran's Day. I don't know what else I should do. I wish I knew, but the only thing I can do is TRUST...that is my theme for this year. I hope I learn this lesson well, because it's killing me through the process! Not literally, but I feel like I'm just "hanging on".

I had a good Bible Study with my friend, Dodie on Tuesday night, and I need to remember to find God in EVERYTHING! That was our assignment this week. She and I have started meeting together on Tuesdays, and we're using a devotional Bible Study book called Simple Devotions by Judy Brower, our former pastor's wife. Dodie didn't think she was going to get much out of it, but the discussion that it generated was very good, and she had a change of heart by the end of our study. I'm looking forward to each Tuesday!

I did make Monday and today beneficial though...I went for a walk! I try to do that every day I don't work...unless it's raining, or we're getting windows installed in our house (two reasons I didn't walk for 2 weeks). I thought it might rain today, but it didn't. It was cold though...ok...not real cold, but the coldest day I've walked so far. Now, if I could just cut the calories and lose some of that weight I've gained back after losing 22 lbs 2 years ago!

That's all for now...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

I can't believe how long it's been since I last "blogged". I guess I've been busy. My life certainly has been interesting this month. I've had a couple of subbing jobs, I'm tutoring two girls, and I've worked in a dental office helping my friend, Diane. I've gone down there once a week all month. It's quite a drive (31 miles that takes me anywhere from an hour to almost 2 hours to travel on the dreaded 405). But, it looks like that gig is up, at least for now. BUT....

I have been "hired" by two people to scrapbook their pictures! And, I have two scrapbook scheduled for the first two weeks in November! Yippee!! I'm really getting excited now. Plus, I may have two more kids to tutor, so things are looking up, up, up!

I went to Homecoming Nonfire at Village last night. Very strange being there. But I wanted to see Christina, Angela, Angie, Tito, and Weston. They are princesses and princes for Homecoming. Neither Tito or Weston became King. Oh well, I can't always have had the King in my class! Maybe I'll get the queen again this year! Two chances! But, if neither Angela or Angie doesn't get it, my vote is definitely for Christina! In fact, I really hope Christina wins! I am planning on going to see the halftime at the football game tonight, but I suddenly realized they might make me pay! Very strange...maybe if I get there right at halftime, I can sneek in. I'm not going to watch the football game. Hopefully, whoever is at the gate will know me and let me in!

Well, right now, I am learning to keep my trust in God and I know He will see me through!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Todd has settled in in DC. His living situation is good, and he seems to be enjoying his job! He does plan to move back home at Christmas time though. I'm not sure what he expects to do, but he is looking into some political possibilities here. We'll see...
Well, life is going along. I have had my ups and downs, but I think I see how God is working in my life. It's called Trust Him! He is providing, just not as fast as I would like. But, that's ok.

I worked down at the dental office on Friday, and it may work out that I can do that a couple of days a week. That would be great if that could work out. I am still trying to come up with ways to earn extra money. I hope to get some tutoring jobs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Tom has to have knee replacement surgery! It will be in about 5 months or so. Crazy. He will miss a lot of work.!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

This week has been a big week in my life...I started my new job on Tuesday. I am the Music teacher, and I teach Music to JK-6th graders. My first day was a challenge in that, of all rained! And it was picture day. So, instead of having Music in the chapel where it was supposed to be, they had to use the chapel for taking pictures. So, instead of the students coming to me, I had to go to each classroom! It was nice for the first day, but I'm glad I don't have to do that everyday!

On Wednesday...BIG DAY...Todd moved to DC! I took him and his friend to the airport with 3 suitcases and 2 carry-ons...basically all his possessions...well almost. There's still a lot of stuff in his room. I didn't cry...but I came close. It was a surreal experience. I still can't believe he's actually gone! He is staying with some friends until he can get into his "house" with 3 roommates. I hope that works out. They are complete strangers...and as a mom...of course I worry! But, there it is

I was supposed to have Library on Wednesday, but since I had already scheduled to take Todd to the airport on that day, I was allowed to have Library on Thursday. Wow! What a chaotic mess the Library is! The books are not in order...there was some order to them, but a lot of them were out of order. They are going to get volunteer parents to come in and help me organize the Library...hooray! Library was an interesting experience. It was hard letting them check out books...not all the books had cards in them! So, I either told them they couldn't check it out, or if I had time...I made a card for it.

On Friday, I was supposed to go to an interview in downtown LA, but Erin needed me to sub for her because she was sick. So, I called and left a message to that company that I wouldn't be able to come to the interview. I also told them I didn't think I would be able to take the job unless I could work only on M-Th-F. I haven't heard back from them, so I guess not! But, this subbing job was an answer to prayer, because I really didn't know what I should do about this job situation. I didn't really want it, but I felt that maybe I should take it if since we need the money. But, I'm TRUSTING that I will get enough subbing jobs to survive.

Today is Saturday, and I spent the afternoon and evening cleaning out Todd's room...since he didn't seem to get everything cleaned out of there.

So, my week was full of new experiences, and answers to prayer, and sadness of sending my youngest to DC.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Another change taking place in my life at this time youngest son is moving to Washington, DC! He is following his life's ambition to go into a world of politics. I just pray that he will have no problems getting settled in and that his new job will be something that he will enjoy. Or, at least I hope he can find somewhere else he can work that will be even better for him.

Have faith...

He flies away on Wednesday. I am happy for him, but I will miss him! He says he'll be home for Christmas...He may be home to stay. But, that will be difficult since Tom will be taking over his room with all his baseball cards and CDs he's selling on Ebay.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

I am in a transition in my life. After having a "career" for over 27 years, I suddenly find myself jobless. Even in 1990 when I lost my job because our school and church closed its doors, I was still sure I wanted to be a teacher, so pursued that route. I was able to find a job at a Christian School where I taught 4th grade for 15 years. I felt that I would be there until I retired. I was wrong.

In March of 2005, I was told that I was not getting a contract for the 2005-06 school year. What a shock! Yet, at the same time, I was thinking this could be a good thing, since I was wanting to take a break from the day to day classroom teaching. But, how could I quit when we depended on my income to help pay the bills? I was making a fair salary considering it was at a school, and a private school at that. So, I was scared, yet a little excited at my new venture in life. At least I was excited until the end of August came, and I wasn't hired anywhere yet. As it turns out, I'm not qualified with experience to do anything but teach! Now what do I do? Still trusting God, I continued different venues of job searching until...

On a whim I decided to call Erin, a former teacher with me who also was not offered a contract. She has a job at another school, and she mentioned that they needed a Music teacher at this school. Music Teacher? Me? why not? I have a limited musical background (7 years of piano in my "young" years, school and church choirs, and a Music Theory class way back in college). So, I called, and sure enough they still had the position available. I sent my resume, and a few days later I get a call to come in for an interview. Great! Sounds like a great opportunity. Bad's only one day a week, and only 5 hours a day. I need more than that! But, it sounded like something I would really like to do. And then she said..."We also have a Library position opening, IF we get enough student enrollment." Great! I would love to be a Librarian! Bad news...only one day a week as well, and the pay would be even less than the Music position. But, I figured if I could get subbing jobs on the other 3 days, it should be ok...barely.

Good news! I was hired! for both the Music position AND the Librarian position! I had also put my name in at two other Christian schools to sub, so it seemed feasible, especially since I could sub at my school also. Bad news...I get an email from my former principal saying he didn't think I should sub there at all this year because of all the trauma of the changes made. What? I am very puzzled...

Feeling down...

Good news! I got a subbing job at one of the schools on the first Friday of school! Things are looking up.

Bad news...went to the dentist and found out that I need reconstructive surgery on my receding gums...what? How are we going to pay for that? But, insurance should pay 80% and the periodontist said we could work out a payment plan. Ok...

Good news...?...on Friday (16th) I received a phone call from a company in LA that saw my resume on and they want me to come in for an interview. Scheuduled for next's downtown...scary...will they let me work one or two days a week at my Music/Library job? Can I tell the school...sorry, I found something else? I know how small schools are, and I would hate to put them in a bind. Besides, I am really looking forward to teaching Music and being the Librarian. Why????


Bad news...Tom goes to the doctor last Wednesday and was told that his knee that has been bothering him since his fall last fall, and surgery last spring, will need a knee about 6 months. Minimum of 8 weeks off work...Help!

Bad news...tonight I was eating my favorite snack food (popcorn) and suddendly I was biting down on something hard...a piece of my tooth! What does that mean? I called my dental assistant friend, and she said...a crown...oh boy...more money to spend...which we don't have.


I'm trying...but it's very hard...

More of my life later...other changes are happening...stay tuned...


Faith Sisters