Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wow! Here it is the last day of August and I just realized I haven't posted since June!
Well...what's been going on? Here's the scoop...
First of all, my son Todd has successfully moved to Washington, DC and is happy in his new job at The Heritage Foundation. He has been there almost 3 months already!
Second of all, I have a job! Well, ok...I'll be teaching (subbing) for a 2nd grade class for the months of Sept. and Oct. School starts on Wednesday, Sept. 3, so ready or not, here I come!
Third of all, my oldest son, Tim, has just moved. He is still in southern California, and still has the same job. He seems to be doing well!
I have been busy keeping up with the Scripture Challenges at Faith Sisters. It is a great website, and I encourage anyone to join this awesome group of Christian ladies!
Sign up, and you can join us in our discussions. Very fun and supportive group!
I have just finished reading my 49th book for 2008. So far I've read 3 more books this year at this time than I did last year at this time. So many little time!
I am so thankful for the way God has provided this job for me. I am confident that He will supply all our needs for the coming year.

Faith Sisters